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Monday, December 5

ARE Workshop 2022: Construction and Evaluation

The covers of five ARE prep books
12/5/22, 6:30pm - 8pm
AIA New York's ARE Workshops are geared towards creating a community where candidates can come together to share study strategies, test-taking tips, and content review. Each division will have two...

Thursday, December 8

AIA New York's annual Procrastinators' Days is an important continuing education event for architects in New York. Offering...
It’s the holiday season and the Young Professionals from the Cross-Learning Alliance would like to invite you to...

Friday, December 9

Meet and Mingle: The Lost Art of Pre-Construction

12/9/22, 5:30pm - 8pm
Brickworks Design Studio
How can the A/E/C industry broadly improve the quality of its projects and customer satisfaction? Looking to the past, the Ancient Greek "master builder" (arkhitekton) anticipated every phase of the...

Monday, December 12

Manfredo Tafuri’s Modern Architecture in Japan

Fig. 1 Kenzō Tange, Nichinan Cultural Center. Photograph: Yukio Futagawa.
12/12/22, 6pm - 8pm
Center for Architecture
Join Jean-Louis Cohen, Catherine Ingraham, Yukie Kamiya, and Mohsen Mostafavi for a discussion of the celebrated Italian architectural historian Manfredo Tafuri's book Modern Architecture in Japan (Mack Books, 2022). Originally...


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