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Retrofit Now! Reducing Carbon and Complying with LL97 (March, Day 2 of 4)

3/22/23, 9am - 12:30pm
New York has gotten serious about climate change, and this will have a huge impact on architectural practice. Local Law 97 sets carbon caps on emissions from large buildings and...

Using Historic Preservation to Develop and Maintain Affordable Housing in NYC

3/22/23, 9am - 12pm
Everyone agrees that New York City is facing an affordable housing crisis. Adaptive reuse and rehabilitation of historic buildings has in many cases proven to be an effective way to preserve...

Centering the Role of Design in Design-Build

Exterior photo of Chicago Public Library Chinatown Branch
3/22/23, 6pm - 8pm
Center for Architecture and Zoom
As New York City moves to increase the use of design-build for critical project delivery, and amidst the pressures of cost and time savings, how can we work together to...


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