Group 7 Created with Sketch.
Group 3 Copy Created with Sketch.

Thursday, December 14

Cross-Learning Alliance Young Professionals Holiday Party

Image of Christmas Sweaters on a snowy background
12/14/23, 6pm - 8pm
Center for Architecture
On December 14, join the young professionals of the Cross-Learning Alliance for an ugly sweater holiday party! It’s the holiday season and the Young Professionals from the Cross-Learning Alliance would...

Friday, December 15

Q:DREAM Workshop

Closeup photo of Postcards of the Future installation in CFA Lab gallery
12/15/23, 6pm - 8pm
Center for Architecture
The Q:DREAM workshop for queer and trans collective visioning and dreaming will ask attendees to share their stories and experiences, and to reflect on them through collaging and model-building exercises....

Saturday, December 16

Artificial Intelligence in Architecture (AI+A): Future of Architectural Practice

AI image generated by Firefly. Prompt: “asymmetrical, abstract image, based on the phrase: ‘the report of the death of architecture has been an exaggeration.'
12/16/23, 10am - 6pm
Center for Architecture and Zoom
5.5 LU/HSW credits are currently pending for all-day attendance, including 2.5 LU/HSW for Keynote and Practice Session and 3 LU/HSW for the Software and Research Sessions. “In terms of strategic thinking...

Monday, December 18

Tuesday, December 19

Wednesday, December 20

Exploring Courage to Act: Rescue in Denmark at the Museum of Jewish Heritage

Image of two benched facing a boat with silhouette's of people onboard
12/20/23, 2pm - 4pm
Museum of Jewish Heritage
How do you tell the story of the Holocaust for an audience of 9- to 12-year-olds? Local Projects answered that question in Courage to Act: Rescue in Denmark, the firm's...


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