Group 7 Created with Sketch.
Group 3 Copy Created with Sketch.
6/26/23, 5:30pm - 7pm
Arup NYC Office
1 LU

As the popularity of mass timber construction continues to rise, it is essential that architects grasp the design parameters and challenges associated with the technology.

Designing a building with mass timber involves several critical considerations, including structural integrity, fire safety, acoustic performance, moisture management, and sustainability. These factors rely on interdisciplinary collaboration between architects, engineers, and other professionals to ensure seamless integration and coordination across structural, architectural, and mechanical elements.

Join Arup experts for an enlightening and AIA-credited presentation that explores these design requirements, providing a multidisciplinary view of mass timber design and construction in the United States.

Denis Blount, Associate Principal, Acoustics, Audiovisual and Theatre, Arup
Ishan Kavan Abeysekera, Senior Engineer, Specialist Technology, Analysis, and Research, Arup
Jessie Doermann, Engineer, Fire, Arup
Kion Nemati, PE, Senior Engineer, Structural, Arup
Samuel Berrigan, Engineer, Facades, Arup
Tali Mejicovsky, Associate Principal, Facades, Arup

Organized by
AIANY Building Science Committee
6/26/23, 5:30pm - 7pm
Arup NYC Office
Group 6 Created with Sketch.


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