Going Somewhere In-Between

Organized by the AIANY New Practices Committee, “Alone Together & Somewhere In-Between: Modes of Practice in Contemporary Architecture” is a three-part series of panel discussions delving deeper into the way we work, collaborate, and shape practices in contemporary architecture. Each panel will focus on a specific mode of practice, from the solo practitioner to a range of partnerships and experimental collaborations. Providing an overview for focusing on the wide range of ways architects are organizing to produce their work, the series hopes to uncover and illuminate the ways in which practices are evolving, as well as to explore new directions in the field.
Part III – Going Somewhere In-Between
“Going Somewhere In-Between” is the third event in the series, focusing on alternative practice formats and modes of collaboration. With new technological tools and changing sensibilities of what practices can be, architects are seeking out and experimenting more confidently with multi-faceted ways to relate, collaborate, and come together in practice — sometimes even engaging multiple practice identities simultaneously. This discussion will uncover how working somewhere in between individual-led and partnership formats may offer new directions for practice and expanded opportunities for agency in the discipline.
Sean Canty, Principal, Studio Sean Canty/Co-Founder, Office III
Jonathan Jackson, Partner, WeShouldDoItAll
Jon Lott, AIA, Principal, PARA Project, Co-Founder, Collective-LOK
Elaine Molinar, AIA, Partner & Managing Director, Snøhetta
Alfonso Simelio Jurado, Member, knitknot architecture
Benjamin Cadena, AIA, Founder, Studio Cadena, Co-chair, AIANY New Practices Committee
Ryan Brooke Thomas, Assoc. AIA, Principal, Kalos Eidos, Co-chair, AIANY New Practices Committee
The panel series is made possible by a grant awarded by the national AIA Trust Program sponsored by Victor O. Schinnerer & Company, Inc., the CNA Insurance Companies, and The AIA Trust, providers of the AIA Trust Professional Liability Insurance Program.
Events in this Series:
Part I – Going Alone
Part II – Going Together
Part III – Going Somewhere In-Between
Please Note: Your registration for this event constitutes your agreement to specific and limited use of your email address, and possibly your image or voice, in related communications. Learn more in our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Contact info@aiany.org with questions.
As a reminder, AIA National policy requires participants to attend the entire educational portion of an event to receive continuing education credits. We encourage all participants to arrive on time to comply with this policy.
This program is part of the AIANY Summer Practice Series

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Wed, Jun 12 | 1.5 LUGoing Alone
Thu, Jul 18 | 1.5 LUGoing Together