Group 7 Created with Sketch.
Group 3 Copy Created with Sketch.
10/26/16, 8:30am - 12pm
Center for Architecture
2.0 LU / 2.0 HSW

Building upon the April 2016 conference, “Housing Affordability and Climate Change: Confronting Physical, Financial and Regulatory Challenges to Retrofitting Multifamily Housing,” this event will feature feature two panels. The first panel will present case studies from multifamily building owners drawing the connection between both energy efficiency and resiliency upgrades, highlighting the co-benefits that can be realized from these investments. The second panel will examine the costs of climate “risk” to building owner and portfolio and the potential alignment between green and resilience from a funding perspective.

In OneNYC, the City committed to upgrade buildings to withstand the risks of climate change and extreme weather events, including sea level rise, heat and wind. The risk is increasing; New York City has already seen more than a foot of sea level rise since 1900 and the New York City Panel on Climate Change projects another one to two feet of sea level rise by 2050. New York City’s building stock must also be ready to withstand higher temperatures with average annual temperatures projected to rise between four and six degrees Fahrenheit by 2050, making this summer’s heatwaves a more regular occurrence.

While newly constructed buildings are being designed to meet the City’s current codes for elevation and energy efficiency, the City’s older building stock face the challenge of retrofitting aging systems to meet the City’s 80X50 greenhouse gas reduction targets and protect against costly flood damages. Energy efficiency, distributed energy systems and green infrastructure can protect vulnerable communities against prolonged power outages, and keep New Yorkers safely in their homes during and following an extreme weather event. For all buildings, adapting to changing climate conditions now by investing in energy and resiliency upgrades is the key to continuity of service in the face of future extreme weather events.

Programs such as the NYC Retrofit Accelerator, the Community Retrofit Accelerator, the NYC Housing Preservation Green Preservation Program, NYSERDA’s Multifamily Performance Program and the New York State’s Residential Technical Assistance Program are providing technical assistance and financial support to building owners to invest in these upgrades.


8:30 AM
Coffee and Pastries

9:00 – 9:10 AM
Opening Remarks
Speaker: Daniel Zarrilli, Senior Director, Climate Policy and Programs, NYC Mayor’s Office of Recovery and Resiliency; Chief Resilience Officer, New York City Office of the Mayor

9:10 AM – 9:25 AM
Building a Federal Response to Promote Community Resilience and Sustainability
Speaker: Marion McFadden, Vice President, Public Policy, Enterprise

9:25 AM – 9:40 AM

9:40 AM – 10:40 AM
Panel I: Energy Efficiency and Resiliency Co-benefits

Daphné Boret Camguilhem, Senior Advisor, New York City Housing Authority
Mark Ginsberg, Founding Principal, Curtis + Ginsberg Architects
Rick Gropper, Principal, Camber Property Group
Donald Manning, Director of Housing, Jewish Associate Serving Aging
Daphany Sanchez, Efficiency Advisor, NYC Retrofit Accelerator

Moderator: Laurie Schoeman, Program Director, Green and Resiliency Communities, Enterprise

10:40 AM – 10:50 AM

10:50 AM – 11:50 AM
Panel II: Financing Energy Efficiency and Resiliency Upgrades

Greg Hale, Senior Advisor to the Chairman of Energy and Finance, Office of the NYS Governor
Eric Letvin, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Mitigation, FEMA
Sadie McKeown, Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President, CPC
Steve Sachs, Executive Vice President and Director, Real Estate and Hotel Practice, Willis Towers Watson

Moderator: Philip Kash, Principal, HR&A Advisors

11:50 AM – 12:00 PM
Closing Remarks
Speaker: Katherine Greig, Deputy Director for Buildings Policy, NYC Mayor’s Office of Recovery and Resiliency

10/26/16, 8:30am - 12pm
Center for Architecture
Group 6 Created with Sketch.


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