K-12 Vacation Program: Digital Design: Skyscrapers (Grades 6-8)
Feb 21 - Feb 23, 2017
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2017-02-21 09:00:00
2017-02-23 16:00:00
K-12 Vacation Program: Digital Design: Skyscrapers (Grades 6-8)
Digital Design: Skyscrapers (Grades 6-8) This design studio introduces students to SketchUp, a fun and free 3D computer modeling program. Around the world, skyscrapers are being built taller than ever before, in shapes that have never been seen. Learn about some of these new innovative projects and then work to design your own skyscraper using SketchUp. Students will create an animated walk-through of their design and take their project home on a flashdrive. Studio@theCenter 3-day vacation prog
Center for Architecture 536 LaGuardia Place New York NY 10012