Floods are the #1 natural disaster in the United States as all 50 states have experienced floods or flash floods. To protect the health, safety, and welfare of residential and non-residential structures and their occupants during a flood event, these structures must be built into compliance with local, state, and federal codes and regulations.
This course will clarify the regulations, codes, and standards as they relate to sustaining foundations in flood hazard areas, as well as analyze the role of building compliance in lowering flood insurance rates and what mitigation solutions are available to existing structures. In addition, this course will focus on the potential hazards to buildings located in floodplains, the differences between wet floodproofing and dry floodproofing techniques and when they are applicable, and the differences between engineered and non-engineered flood openings and their ability to ensure resilient structures.
Brian Johnson, CFM is the Flood Mitigation Specialist for Floodproofing.com & Smart Vent Products Inc. in the NY/NJ/PA territory. As a technical field representative, Brian works with local, state, and county government entities to meet regulation standards specific to building, commercial, and residential codes. He is also an educator on flood mitigation for architects, surveyors, engineers, insurance agents, realtors, builders, and home owners. Brian also focuses on the new dry flood proofing product line developed in partnership with Floodproofing.com and its new dry flood proofing partners.
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AIANY Building Codes