Legacies of Redlining: Abolitionist Place
Oct 19, 2024
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2024-10-19 10:00:00
2024-10-19 12:00:00
Legacies of Redlining: Abolitionist Place
Dozens of new skyscrapers have sprouted up across Downtown Brooklyn since the area was rezoned in 2004—but the home of Mama Joy at 227 Duffield, originally slated for demolition, remains. Today, it is the last remaining abolitionist home in the neighborhood. Mama Joy’s fight to save this historic building recalls the neighborhood’s role as a hub of abolitionist activity in the 19th century, when it was home to a remarkable African American elite. Join Raul Rothblatt and Shawné Lee of Friends of
Abolitionist Place, Brooklyn Location provided to ticketholders