Group 7 Created with Sketch.
Group 3 Copy Created with Sketch.
7/15/21, 12pm - 1:30pm
1.5 LU / 1.5 HSW

Traditional settlements across Koutammakou, home of the Batammariba people of Benin and Togo, have become cultural and national icons. In Togo, Koutammakou was recognized as a World Heritage site in 2004. But legal protections and the traditional principles of heritage management alone are not enough to ensure the perpetuation of the living cultural tradition underpinning the construction of Batammariba dwellings. 

Join us on Thursday, July 15, for a virtual discussion on World Monuments Fund’s (WMF) project to preserve Koutammakou, a 2020 World Monuments Watch site, in collaboration with local artisans, and to mitigate factors inhibiting the transmission of traditional knowledge and cultural expression.

Ibrahim Tchan
, Executive Director, Corps des Volontaires Béninois (Corps of Benin Volunteers)

Stephen Battle, 
Principal Project Director, World Monuments Fund (WMF)

Organized by
AIANY Historic Buildings Committee and World Monuments Fund
7/15/21, 12pm - 1:30pm
Group 6 Created with Sketch.


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