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City of Yes Housing rally in New York City. Photo: AIA New York.
7/16/24, 6pm - 8pm
Center for Architecture

Join us to review and discuss AIA New York's extensive advocacy efforts focusing on City of Yes for Housing Opportunity. Bringing together representatives from National Associates Committee (NAC) and Young Architects Forum (YAF) along with other architects and community leaders, this event will explore ways to become more active in the Chapter's advocacy initiatives as well as identify available resources on a State and National level. We'll review the City of Yes proposal as a case study for architects’ role in advocacy and, specifically, highlight methods for emerging professionals to engage.

Be part of the conversation in shaping the future of our city and communities—register today!

Nicole Vlado Torres, AIA, NOMA, C
o-Chair, nycoba|NOMA Professional Development Committee
David West, FAIA, Founding Partner, Hill West Architects
John Woelfling, FAIA, LEED AP, CPHT, Principal, Dattner Architects

6:00 PM
– Arrivals and Networking
6:15 PM – Introduction to NAC and YAF
6:35 PM – Overview of Advocacy at AIANY
7:00 PM – Case Study: City of Yes for Housing Opportunity

Organized by
AIA New York; AIANY Emerging New York Architects Committee
City of Yes Housing rally in New York City. Photo: AIA New York.
7/16/24, 6pm - 8pm
Center for Architecture
Group 6 Created with Sketch.


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