Group 7 Created with Sketch.
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5/31/23, 9am - Sunday, 6/4, 5pm
Thomas Berry Place

“New Patterns of Communion” Symposium 2023

May 31 – June 4, 2023, New York, New York

From May 31 to June 4, 2023, The Forum on Architecture, Spirituality, and Culture will host its annual international symposium in New York City and its environs to explore, speculate, and contemplate the present and future of a post-pandemic world. Emerging from this historic, global event, we know our patterns of communion have changed. The symposium aims for a broad discussion among practitioners and scholars on how architecture can free us from isolation and provide refuge for spiritual renewal. The pandemic introduced the need to formulate new ways of social interaction with our fellow human beings and the environments that surround us. What are the architectural and environmental implications of these new patterns of communion with others? What have we gained or lost through these new patterns, and will they last?

Organized by
The Forum on Architecture, Spirituality, and Culture
5/31/23, 9am - Sunday, 6/4, 5pm
Thomas Berry Place
Group 6 Created with Sketch.


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