Group 7 Created with Sketch.
Group 3 Copy Created with Sketch.
Aerial photo of a green rooftop
4/26/23, 10am - 5pm
Center for Architecture
4 LU / 2 HSW

Please join us for a day of learning and networking as we discuss multiple issues, materials, and solutions focused on delivering more sustainable and resilient rooftops to urban areas like New York City. The program will include presentations from four industry leaders, each with a different specialty, and culminate with a Q&A session and panel discussion. AIA credits will be provided for each session attended. Food and drink will be provided throughout the day.

Sustainable Roofing Systems Design
Speaker: Chip Bisignaro, Building Envelope Specialist, DuPont

This course goes over sustainable roofing considerations. Participants will understand what role the roof system plays in sustainable design, and how conventional roof design impacts sustainability. They will also learn the how insulation type impacts lifecycle, and how to improve design with the "Perfect Roof." Presentation covers critical concerns of stormwater management, construction requirements, and functionality of space.

Learning Objective 1:
Participants will develop an understanding of how the roof system plays an important role in sustainability including durability and longevity.

Learning Objective 2:
Participants will develop an understanding of the various types of roof insulation and their insulation properties.

Learning Objective 3:
Participants will develop an understanding of how a conventional roof design impacts sustainability and has a reduced life cycle cost, and how to design the perfect roof.

Learning Objective 4:
Participants will develop an understanding of some critical issues the roof plays a role in like storm water management, construction requirements and functionality of space.


Innovative Pavers for Projects of Distinction
Speaker: Aislinn VonSas, Technical Sales Director Northeast, Hanover Architectural Products

In this presentation, we’ll discuss unit paver development. We will identify unit paver advantages while increasing your knowledge of unit paver uses and limitations, from applications ranging from on-grade entranceways to elevated plazas and roof ballasts. A variety of installation methods will be examined as they pertain to each application type. At the conclusion of this presentation you will have gained a better understanding of unit pavers and hardscape products.

Learning Objective 1:
Identify the advantages of specifying architectural unit pavers.

Learning Objective 2:
Analyze unit paver uses and product limitations.

Learning Objective 3:
Discuss elevated pavers, pedestals and wind design systems.

Learning Objective 4:
Examine of a variety of installation methods.


Difference Between Retention and Detention and How This Relates to Green Roofs
Speaker: Dick Bernauer,
Partner and North America Sales Director, Sempergreen

This course outlines the difference between retention and detention, and how this relates to green roofs.

Learning Objective 1:
Correctly define the terms "retention" and "detention."

Learning Objective 2:
Understand how green roofs provide retention.

Learning Objective 3:
Understand the benefits of detention.

Learning Objective 4:
Understand how green roofs can provide detention.

AIA CES:  1.0 LU

Adding Resiliency on the Roof: Vegetated and Stormwater Roofs
Speaker: Zach Waliullah,
Northeast District Manager, American Hydrotech

Rooftops offer a vast, untapped resource for adding capacity to capture rainfall in urban areas. These roofs become great opportunities to the urban stormwater network. General roofing knowledge is a plus.

Learning Objective 1:
How rooftops can address challenges in urban stormwater management.

Learning Objective 2:
Importance of a good roofing membrane.

Learning Objective 3:
How vegetated roofs can play a role in green infrastructure.

Learning Objective 4:
The major components of vegetated roofs and Vegetated roof options for handling stormwater.

Learning Objective 5:
Ultra-high water capacity blue roof concepts.


Chip Bisignaro,
Building Envelope Specialist, DuPont
Aislinn VonSas, Technical Sales Director Northeast, Hanover Architectural Products
Dick Bernauer, Partner and North America Sales Director, Sempergreen
Zach Waliullah, Northeast District Manager, American Hydrotech

About the Speakers:

Chip Bisignaro has been assisting architects with building envelope designs for more than 20 years, the last six at DuPont. Throughout this time frame, Bisignaro has built consultative experience in optimizing the design of the commercial building envelope with various materials for aesthetics as well as thermal, moisture, air, vapor and building code compliance. Residing in the Philadelphia area, Chip is an active member of local industry groups and member of various CSI Chapters.

Aislinn VonSas started her career at Hanover® in 2012 as a Customer Service representative, Aislinn VonSas is the Technical Sales Director for the Northeast Region. Born and raised in Hanover, she attended Southwest High School, moving on to obtain a BA in History at Shippensburg University. Very detail oriented, Aislinn takes pride in seeing orders through from start to finish, tracking order progress and communicating the status to customers on a regular basis. She especially enjoys customer interaction and building relationships.

Dick Bernauer is a visionary entrepreneur and co-founder of the Purple-Roof Concept, a groundbreaking green stormwater solution that promotes green roof investment by detaining stormwater on the roof. This innovative concept saves space and eliminates the need for a tank or bio-retention at-grade, making it an environmentally friendly solution that benefits both property owners and the community.

Zach Waliullah is an industry leader in waterproofing, protected membrane roofing, green roofs and rooftop stormwater solutions. He has supported the A/E community throughout the Northeast US for the last 10 years helping to bring various roofing, waterproofing, and green roof solutions to life from concept to completion.

This event is offered in person; COVID-19 vaccinations and face masks are strongly encouraged for all visitors. Read our full Health and Safety Protocol here.

Organized by
American Hydrotech
Aerial photo of a green rooftop
4/26/23, 10am - 5pm
Center for Architecture
Group 6 Created with Sketch.


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