Group 7 Created with Sketch.
Group 3 Copy Created with Sketch.
4/18/23, 2pm - 4pm
2 LU / 2 HSW

This two-hour training explains the reporting requirements of ASHRAE 90.1 for projects that used ASHRAE Standard 90.1 Section 11 or Appendix G and covers the documentation that must be submitted to code officials or beyond-code program administrators. It provides instructions on how to fill out the DOE/PNNL Compliance Form that can be used for documenting minimum compliance with 90.1 2016, NYC ECCC 2020, LEED v4.1 and LEED v4 Pilot Alternative Compliance Path, the EPA ENERGY STAR® program for new multifamily buildings, and various incentive programs. The training covers productivity tips, efficient workflow, common mistakes, and best practices.

Organized by
Karpman Consulting
4/18/23, 2pm - 4pm
Group 6 Created with Sketch.


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