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20190620 CFA Website Logo Update
8/20/20, 2pm - 3pm
1 LU / 1 HSW

*This event is occurring as a live webinar. Registrants will be emailed a link to access the program.*

Please join us for a conversation based on the 2019 exhibition and subsequent digital publication Mapping Community: Public Investment in NYCMapping Community demystifies the complex process of capital planning in New York City by explaining the rules that govern the capital process for our city, the various city agencies that implement projects, and the ways everyday New Yorkers have a say in what types of investment they would like to see in their neighborhoods.

This conversation will focus on how the processes described in the exhibition and publication can help us understand current conditions in NYC. It will address questions such as:

  • What do cultural and political movements look like when they are integrated into to how a city functions?
  • If you take as a given that public space is politically and culturally changed, what are some city capital programs addressing this in terms of equity and social justice? What are the inherent issues that funding and government structure face while trying to address this, and what can the city do better to recognize these needs?
  • As we now see how some communities in New York City have suffered more from the pandemic, how can the City use that data to better serve those communities in the future?

David Burney, FAIA, Professor of Urban Placemaking Management, Pratt Institute; Curator, Mapping Community
Ifeoma Ebo, Founding Director and Urban Designer, Creative Urban Alchemy
Morgan Monaco, Deputy Director for Project & Performance Management, NYC Mayor’s Office of Operations
Faith Rose, AIA, Partner, O’Neill Rose Architects; Curator, Mapping Community

Organized by
AIANY and Center for Architecture
20190620 CFA Website Logo Update
8/20/20, 2pm - 3pm
Group 6 Created with Sketch.


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