Group 7 Created with Sketch.
Group 3 Copy Created with Sketch.
5/20/20, 5:30pm - 6:30pm

*This event is occurring as a live webinar. Registrants will be emailed a link to access the program.*

Are you ready to learn about NYC from the comfort of your own home? Join the Center for Architecture, Turnstile Tours, and Propsect Park Alliance for a virtual version of Archtober Trivia Night! We’ll be diving deep into questions about NYC architecture, history, and culture. 

Grab your dog, your cat, and/or fellow NYC history buffs to play. You do not have to be an architect or expert to participate, it’s all in the name of learning!

We’ll also have some special guests joining us to inpart even more fun facts about NYC. 

Here’s how it works!

Players: You can play as an individual or in teams. If you choose to play as a team, coordination is up to you! Organize a Google Hangout, text thread, or Facetime. But remember: no outside research allowed. 

Submitting Answers: Andrew Gustafson of Turnstile Tours will be leading the attendees through the questions via webinar. Atendees will submit answers via Google Forms.

Registering: When you register you will receive both the webinar link and the links to Google Forms for each round. All answers must be submitted via these forms! Remember, you must pre-register in order to receive the link to the webinar.   

This event is free! But please consider a supporting Archtober, NYC’s annual architecture and design month celebrating the rich cultural and architectural history of the city.  

Organized by
Center for Architecture
5/20/20, 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Group 6 Created with Sketch.


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