Group 7 Created with Sketch.
Group 3 Copy Created with Sketch.
4/23/20, 1pm - 2pm
1.0 LU / 1.0 HSW

*This event is occurring as a live webinar. Registrants will be emailed a link to access the program; please continue to register.*

This session explores evolving trends in building enclosure technology and subsequent changes in energy efficient building design, with a special focus on the role of continuous exterior insulation (CI). The net energy savings realized in a properly insulated buildings are by now well understood; these savings are increasingly being required by stringent local building and energy codes.

During this program, current building science research and field monitoring data will be presented to demonstrate how the effective R value of various insulating materials perform and change in different regional climates, temperature ranges, and seasonal conditions. Strategies for designing and constructing highly insulated and cost-effective wall assemblies while still minimizing thermal bridging will also be discussed.

Todd Kimmel, CPHD, CDT, New York City Architectural Manager, ROCKWOOL

Todd Kimmel has over 17 years of technical experience working on building enclosures and façade systems. This includes the management and oversight of large-scale commercial building enclosures, working as the product and technical manager for Trespa North America, and as a Technical Consultant for Dorken Systems. Kimmel is a Construction Documents Technician (CDT) and a Certified Passive House Designer (Passive House Institute). He is the board chairperson for RAiNA (Rainscreen Association in North America) and also sits on the Board of Directors for New York Passive House (NYPH). He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from Northeastern University and Master’s Degree in Urban Planning from New York University’s Wagner School of Public Service. 

Organized by
4/23/20, 1pm - 2pm
Group 6 Created with Sketch.


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