This is an open meeting for Architect, International Associate, Emeritus, and Associate members of AIA New York to name candidates for the 2020 Nominating Committee Ballot.
Should I come to this meeting?
YES! All AIA New York members (Architect, International Associate, Emeritus, and Associate) are welcome. Better yet, bring another member—a friend, coworker, former classmate, or ARE study buddy. At this meeting, you will have a say in who picks the next members of the Board of Directors and elected committees. Not only will you have a say in AIA New York’s democratic process and future leadership, you’ll have a chance to network with professional colleagues.
Here’s how it works:
At the meeting, submit names for members you want to see on the 2020 Nominating Committee. Then, the candidates will be voted on by all members through an eletronic election. The four candidates with the most votes will be on the 2020 Nominating Committee with Hayes Slade, AIA, 2019 AIANY President.
How do I submit a name for consideration?
Come to the meeting on Tuesday, September 25th, from 6:00 – 6:30 pm at the Center for Architecture. The person you nominate must be a member of AIA New York and be willing and able to serve on the Nominating Committee (restrictions below).
What does the Nominating Committee do?
The Nominating Committee selects candidates for the AIA New York Board and the following committees: Fellows, Finance, Honors, Oculus, and Design Awards. The Nominating Committee serves from January 2019 until June 2019 when the AIA New York Annual Meeting takes place.
At this meeting AIA New York assigned members* are entitled to place names of their fellow members** on the 2020 Nominating Committee ballot that will be circulated to all voting members.*
Those members who are present or represented by proxy select the ballot candidates. Please make sure that anyone you propose for the Nominating Committee is willing to serve. The Chapter Board may then place additional names on the ballot at its discretion. If you have any questions, please contact Joseph Corbin, Assistant Director,
Any member entitled to vote at a meeting of this Chapter may authorize another person or persons to act for them by proxy if they are unable to attend. The proxy must be in writing and signed by the member. No proxy shall be valid after the expiration of eleven months from the date it is signed unless otherwise provided in the proxy. Every proxy shall be revocable at the pleasure of the member executing it, except as otherwise provided by law. Proxies should be brought to the meeting or sent to Joseph Corbin via fax at 212-696-5022 by September 18, 2017 at 5:00 PM.
* All Architect, International Associate, Emeritus, and Associate members in good standing.
** All Architect, International Associate, Emeritus, and Associate members in good standing who have not served on the Nominating Committee during the last two years and who have not served three terms previously on the Nominating Committee are eligible. Please make sure that anyone you nominate is willing to serve.
Please Note: Your registration for this event constitutes your agreement to specific and limited use of your email address, and possibly your image or voice, in related communications. Learn more in our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Contact with questions.
As a reminder, AIA National policy requires participants to attend the entire educational portion of an event to receive continuing education credits. We encourage all participants to arrive on time to comply with this policy.
AIA New York