Opening Reception: Michael Hollander Drawing Excellence Award Exhibition
Mar 04, 2019
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2019-03-04 18:00:00
2019-03-04 20:00:00
Opening Reception: Michael Hollander Drawing Excellence Award Exhibition
Michael Hollander (May 27, 1934–November 11, 2015), was an influential and distinguished professor of architecture at Pratt Institute for 40 years. Professor Hollander inspired generations of Bachelor of Architecture students in their designs, drawings, and writings. Founded and spearheaded by Professor Richard Sarrach in 2016, and supported by Dean Thomas Hanrahan and Undergraduate Architecture Chair Erika Hinrichs, the Michael Hollander Drawing Excellence Award (MHDEA), has completed four year
Pratt Institute, Higgins Hall, 61. St. James Place, Brooklyn, NY 11205