Architectural League Prize for Young Architects + Designers
Jun 22 - Jun 23, 2018
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2018-06-22 12:00:00
2018-06-23 18:00:00
Architectural League Prize for Young Architects + Designers
On view June 22–23 (12-6pm) and ongoing through August 4th Exhibition of work by the winners of the 2018 Architectural League Prize for Young Architects + Designers: Objective: Gabriel Cuellar & Athar Mufreh, Cadaster, Brooklyn; Coryn Kempster, Julia Jamrozik and Coryn Kempster , Buffalo; Bryony Roberts, Bryony Roberts Studio, New York City; Anya Sirota, Akoaki, Detroit; Dan Spiegel, SAW // Spiegel Aihara Workshop, San Francisco; Alison Von Glinow & Lap Chi Kwong, Kwong Von Glinow Design
Arnold and Sheila Aronson Galleries Parsons School of Design at 66 Fifth Ave. (Greenwich Village)