Group 7 Created with Sketch.
Group 3 Copy Created with Sketch.
Image: Rusk Renovations and Lynn Fritzlen Architect
Photo: Rusk Renovations and Lynn Fritzlen Architect.
5/21/19, 6pm - 8pm
Building Energy Exchange, 31 Chambers St Suite 609, New York, NY 10007
1.5 LU / 1.5 HSW

Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems have been used since the 1980s. Their space and energy saving characteristics have taken on a new meaning in the context of global climate challenges.

In order to meet the carbon reduction goals set forth by the city, we will need to dramatically reduce fossil fuel consumption in our buildings. The city has identified heat pumps as a key strategy for achieving these goals. Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) heat pumps offer highly efficient, fossil fuel-free heating and cooling, in addition to saving space and cost. During this program, an architect, MEP engineer, public official, and VRF manufacturer’s representative will provide information and insight on the application of VRF systems through the lens of their unique experiences.

This program is one of several that will address technical and practical aspects of energy efficiency, shedding light on the city’s forthcoming requirements for upgrading existing buildings to meet carbon emission goals, among other subject areas.

Moderator: Lynn Fritzlen, AIA, Principal, Lynn Fritzlen Architect

Richard Rogers, Commercial Manager, New York Metro Area, Mitsubishi Electric and Electronics 
Emily Hoffman, Director of Energy Code Compliance, NYC Department of Buildings
Steve Sonmez, Principal, Lizardos Engineering
Deborah Moelis, Principal, Handel Architects

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As a reminder, AIA National policy requires participants to attend the entire educational portion of an event to receive continuing education credits. We encourage all participants to arrive on time to comply with this policy.

  • Organized by

    AIANY Committee on the Environment; Building Energy Exchange (BE-Ex)

  • Sponsored by
Image: Rusk Renovations and Lynn Fritzlen Architect
Photo: Rusk Renovations and Lynn Fritzlen Architect.
5/21/19, 6pm - 8pm
Building Energy Exchange, 31 Chambers St Suite 609, New York, NY 10007
Group 6 Created with Sketch.


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